Building Bridges: Ukrainian Delegation Explores Participatory Governance in Austria

Ukrainian Delegation´s study visit to Austira for the exchange of good practices of civic participation.

In a significant step towards fostering democratic engagement, a delegation of 10 representatives from six Ukrainian communities recently concluded a study visit to Austria; to Vienna, Bregenz, Wolfurt, and Salzburg. The visit, organized by the Council of Europe in partnership with the European Capital of Democracy, took place from September 17 to 20, 2024.

The primary objective of this initiative was to facilitate exchanges on participatory, democratic decision-making processes. This objective was particularly relevant given Ukraine's ongoing efforts to strengthen its democratic institutions under challenging circumstances.

One of the highlights of the visit was the delegation's participation in the "Democracy Workshop," a program run by the Austrian Parliament. Katharina Stourzh, Head of the Division for Parliamentary Cooperation, welcomed the Ukrainian representatives. Simone Jordan, Advisor in the Division for Democracy Education at the Austrian Parliament.

The study visit also included fruitful discussions with Austrian NGOs working in the field of participatory decision-making. Stefan Sindelar, CEO of the European Capital of Democracy, moderated a dialogue with Faktor D and Foster Europe, emphasizing the importance of civic engagement.

Reflecting on the visit, Sindelar stated:

"Ukraine's impressive efforts for participation and civic engagement on the local, regional and national level shows that democracy must never be the first victim of war. Lively democracies with an active civil society will always beat autocratic regimes suppressing their citizens."

This exchange underscores the resilience of democratic processes in challenging times and highlights the shared commitment to fostering trust in democratic institutions, particularly among young people. As Europe faces various challenges, such initiatives play a crucial role in promoting a united, free, and prosperous continent.

The study visit serves as a testament to the ongoing collaboration between European nations in strengthening democratic practices and participatory governance, even in the face of adversity.


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