

In Österreich und in Europa ist Foster Europe akzeptierter Partner und mit den Themen: Föderalismus, Partizipation, Dezentralisierung, Multi-Level Governance, europäische Integrationsprozess, Macroregional Strategies etc. Impulsgeber im wissenschaftlichen und politischen Diskurs.


Podiumsdiskussion: Wasser, Klimawandel und die Region Fertő-Neusiedler See
bis 21. Nov.

Podiumsdiskussion: Wasser, Klimawandel und die Region Fertő-Neusiedler See

Im Rahmen des Projektes FOSTER* (Forward Looking Solutions for Environmental Resilience), gefördert von der Europäischen Union, diskutieren ExpertInnen und VertreterInnen aus der Region Fragen des nachhaltigen und resilienten Wassermanagements in der Region Fertő-Neusiedler See.

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11th Danube Participation Day

11th Danube Participation Day

The 11th Danube Participation Day, with the title Creating change for successful EU enlargement - How can we work together for a sustainable, resilient, and stable transition in Ukraine and beyond? will take place on the 19th June 2024 in Vienna. Register and join us at the event!

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Waters 2040: Climate Change and Resilient Water Management in the Danube

Waters 2040: Climate Change and Resilient Water Management in the Danube

The Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions, in collaboration with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, the BOKU Doctoral School Human Rivers, the Danube Civil Society Forum and the EUSDR Priority Area 10 "Institutional Capacity and Cooperation," cordially invites you to attend the third Austrian National Participation Day in the EUSDR, which will take place in the hydraulic engineering laboratory (BOKU River Lab) of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, 9 April 2024.

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Free training series 2023 - EU Project Development and EU Funds & Good local governance and citizens’ participation

Free training series 2023 - EU Project Development and EU Funds & Good local governance and citizens’ participation

To support your work and application efforts also in 2024, Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions in cooperation with the ALDA European Association for Local Democracy are inviting you to this year´s Free Interactive Training Sessions on: EU Project Development and EU Funds & Good local governance and citizens’ participation.

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6th Conference on the Status of Federalism

6th Conference on the Status of Federalism

Postponed - The Foster Europe Foundation invites you to the 6th Conference on the Status of Federalism: Civic Education, Civic Participation, and the Subnational Level. The conference aims to give more publicity to the discourse on federalism, decentralization, and regions in Austria and to bring European perspectives and experiences into the Austrian debate.

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Future of Europe in Debate: Insights from a Deliberative Democracy Perspective
bis 10. Sep.

Future of Europe in Debate: Insights from a Deliberative Democracy Perspective

The Working Group 1 on Theory and Practice of the COST Action (CA15137) “Constitution-making and deliberative democracy” (CA15137), together with Foster Europe, Foundation for strong European Regions is organizing a concluding conference on “Future of Europe in Debate: Insights from a Deliberative Democracy Perspective” to be held on September 9-10, 2022, at Diplomatische Akademie Wien-Vienna School of International Studies.

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Public Round-Table: Four Fallacies of Deliberation: The Future of Democracy in Europe

Public Round-Table: Four Fallacies of Deliberation: The Future of Democracy in Europe

Foster Europe Foundation in cooperation with the EU-funded COST Action Constitution-making and deliberative democracy (CA17135) invite you to the Public Round-Table Four Fallacies of Deliberation: The Future of Democracy in Europe

7 September 2022, Ball Room, Diplomatische Akademie Wien-Vienna School of International Studies, Austria.

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8th Danube Participation Day
bis 26. Okt.

8th Danube Participation Day

The 8th Danube Participation Day takes place back to back with the 1oth EUSDR Annual Forum on 25th and 26th of October 2021. This year, the Danube Participation Day is dedicated to “Participation & Digitalisation”. The conference will address participatory decision-making and co-design of public services in view of digitalisation and eGovernment

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Media Freedom and Shrinking of Civic Space: The Cases of Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria

Media Freedom and Shrinking of Civic Space: The Cases of Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria

Conference on the Future of Europe Workshop Series: A vivid Europe from below, IV

Foster Europe is inviting to discuss the impact of governmental direct, indirect, and private media control and abuse as well as shrinking civic space in the Danube region. How do we regain media freedom and civic space in the Danube region and what can the role of the EU?

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REscEU - Escape Room
bis 7. Sep.

REscEU - Escape Room

The Escape Room provides a unique European experience, by conveying the values and advantages of the European Union in our daily life in a challenging game.

Foster Europe partners with @SBGCeska, Bratislava and will welcome its students in the Escape Room in Bratislava on 6-7 September 2021.

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Conference on the Future of Europe: A vivid Europe from below - The National Discourses in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria in Comparison and Synopsis

Conference on the Future of Europe: A vivid Europe from below - The National Discourses in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria in Comparison and Synopsis

Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions together with The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), are delighted to invite you to the second in the series of the Workshops Conference on the Future of Europe.

The discourse in the framework of the conference is to a decisive part in the hands of the national governments of the member states. The workshop will have a qualified discussion on the main features of the discourses running in Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania.

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Conference on the Future of Europe - A vivid Europe from below: Local authorities in the Western Balkan and their vision of a future Europe

Conference on the Future of Europe - A vivid Europe from below: Local authorities in the Western Balkan and their vision of a future Europe

Join us for the third workshop in the series of the Workshops Conference on the Future of Europe, jointly organised by the Foster Europe Foundation, Eisenstadt, the Centre of Public Administration Research (KDZ) Vienna, and the University of Applied Sciences and Jean Monet Chair Local Authorities in the EU, Kehl.

The Conference on the Future of Europe currently debates in a wide-spread participative discourse the future of the EU. Unfortunately, the Western Balkan countries have been not included in the debate on how to shape Europe’s future.

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DCSF - Virtual Coffee Meeting

DCSF - Virtual Coffee Meeting

Virtual Coffee Chats are the online meeting format for the Danube Civil Society Members to exchange new ideas, new project pitches, new working agendas we would be delighted to meet all online for regular virtual coffee (or tea) meetings.

The meetings are free to attend, with loose agenda defined by all of the members. The meetings would serve the purpose for brainstorms or retrospectives and as an informal educational tool in the future.

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RescEU - What Would Life Be Without the EU?

RescEU - What Would Life Be Without the EU?

Join us for the launch event of the Project RescEU, an escape room based on the concept "What Would Life Be Without the EU?"

REscEU is a unique escape room experience, with a European theme embedded into it. This is going to be the launch event. Subscribe to the newsletter or follow RescEU on social media to know when the escape room will be available in your country.-

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7th Danube Participation Day

7th Danube Participation Day

The Danube Participation Day 2020 will present the first draft of the Guidance Paper for Youth Participation in the Danube Region. Against this background, participants will have the opportunity to exchange on possible ways forward in order to boost cooperation and participation of young people and youth initiatives. In doing so, the Danube Participation Day wants to provide a platform to raise awareness of valuable contributions from existing youth initiatives in the region and taking initial steps forward to acknowledge and involve youth in the Danube Region.

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5. Statuskonferenz Föderalismus

5. Statuskonferenz Föderalismus

ie Foster Europe Foundation, Eisenstadt und das KDZ, Zentrum für Verwaltungsforschung, Wien, laden Sie herzlich zur 5 Statuskonferenz Föderalismus ein. Bedingt durch die Regelungen zur Hintanhaltung der COVID-19 Pandemie mussten wir die ursprünglich zweitägige, physische Konferenz formal und inhaltlich umplanen.

Daher findet die 5 Statuskonferenz am 20. Oktober, 10:00 – 12:00 Uhr online via Zoom statt. Die Konferenz widmet sich aus aktuellem Anlass der Frage Föderalismus, die COVID 19 Pandemie und die Folgen: Bewährung oder Versagen?

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4. Statuskonferenz Föderalismus: Demokratie - Qualität - Föderalismus

4. Statuskonferenz Föderalismus: Demokratie - Qualität - Föderalismus

Foster Europe, in Kooperation mit dem KDZ, Wien und der Schweizer Botschaft in Wien gehen in der 4 Statuskonferenz Föderalismus: Demokratie - Qualität - Föderalismus, der Frage nach Stand und Entwicklung von Demokratie in Europa und ausgewählten Ländern nach. Welchen Handlungsoptionen hat Europa? Zeigen dezentrale organisierte Staaten eine höhere Demokratiequalität, eine stärkere Resilienz gegenüber autokratischen und illiberalen Tendenzen?

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Organised by the PA 10 Institutional Capacity and Cooperation, Danube Civil Society Forum, Foster Europe Foundation, Transylvania Social NGO Federation, Sustainable Development Group Constanţa and with the help of the Romainan Presidency. The theme of this year´s Danube Participation Day was Youth – Participation – Empowerment of younger generation to engage and be represented in political and governance processes as well in the rejuvenation of the strategy.

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2nd EnriCH event - Eisenstadt: Intangible Cultural Heritage
bis 2. Apr.

2nd EnriCH event - Eisenstadt: Intangible Cultural Heritage

Im Rahmen des EU Jugend- und Kulturprojekt ENriCH: Discovering European cultural heritage through international dialogue (Lead partner ist die Stadt Veszprem) veranstaltet die Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions gemeinsam mit dem Joseph-Haydn Konservatorium eine internationale Projektkonferenz in Eisenstadt, 1.-2. April 2019.

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This year´s Danube Participation Day, 17 October 2018, [with the working title of] EXPANDING CIVIC SPACES - PARTICIPATION STRATEGIES IN THE DANUBE REGION will deal with the growing problem of reducing civic space on various levels in state, administration, media and society and will discuss and present counter strategies for civil society and its organizations.

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3. Statuskonferenz Föderalismus – Innovation und Fortschritt im Bundesstaat
bis 21. Sep.

3. Statuskonferenz Föderalismus – Innovation und Fortschritt im Bundesstaat

Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions lädt gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Föderalismus, dem KDZ-Zentrum für Verwaltungsforschung und dem Demokratiezentrum Wien zur 3. Statuskonferenz Föderalismus – Innovation und Fortschritt im Bundesstaat am 20 - 21. September 2018 im Schloss Esterházy, Eisenstadt.

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DIALOG Event SDG 4.7 Global Citizenship Education

DIALOG Event SDG 4.7 Global Citizenship Education

Weltweit zusammenhängende Herausforderungen wie der Klimawandel oder Finanzkrisen sowie die Konflikthaftigkeit internationaler Beziehungen zeigen die dringende Notwendigkeit auf, Menschen auch in Europa für globale Fragen und die Interdependenz zwischen der EU und den so genannten Entwicklungsländern zu sensibilisieren sowie über Verantwortlichkeiten in einer globalisierten Welt zu diskutieren. Die Politik, aber auch die Gesellschaft sind gefordert, nicht nur reaktiv zu handeln, sondern mit präventiven Maßnahmen Risiken zu minimieren und globale Herausforderungen konstruktiv, partnerschaftlich und friedlich zu meistern.

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