3rd free Interactive training on funding programs open and relevant also to the NON EU Countries

Foster Europe for strong European Regions together with ALDA and CEI hosted a 3rd, free interactive live training on funding programs open and relevant also to the NON EU Countries on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, 10:00 AM 12:00 PM.

The training was the occasion to expand your practical knowledge on how to approach a program and how to prepare a project (links to the calls, guidelines, and portals). Trainers pointed out several successfully implemented projects. Our trainers each focus on a different geographic area:

Khrystyna Kvartsiana develops projects for the EU and other international donor organizations, predominantly targeting the EaP region. Her expertise lies in sustainable development policies, democracy, and digital innovations.

Milena Dimitrovska specializes in West Balkan funds. Her fields of expertise are the EU and other donors’ programs, tackling the topics of local governance, civil society development, regional cooperation, and EU integration.

Anna Ditta is involved in the programs for the Middle East and African region. She is responsible for developing projects funded by the EU, CoE, UN, and other public and private donors focusing on democracy, human rights, social inclusion, active citizenship, youth, good local governance, and decentralized cooperation.

We also welcomed two representative of the Central European Initiative: Elisabetta Dovier and Ugo Poli, they gave us information on open/upcoming funding opportunities.

The training took place online and lasted about two hours.



31st January 2023, 10:00 – 12:00 CET

10.00 - 10.05: Introduction

10.05 - 10.15: Multi-Annual Financial Framework: Introduction and Short Overview of MFF

10.15 - 11.05: EU Funding Programs Overview: Erasmus+, Horizon Europe, Creative Europe, IPA III, Cross-border cooperation programs, Thematic Programs for Human Rights and Civil Society

11.05 - 11.25: Information for Application procedures

European Funding Websites for Monitoring of Forthcoming/Open Calls

Administrative Requirements for Applying (PROSPECT, PADOR numbers)

11.25-11.35: Presentation of Successful Projects Examples Implemented in NON-EU Countries

11.35-12.00: NON-EU Fund: Know-how Exchange Programme (KEP), CEI Cooperation Fund



Laura Szitár, Foster Europe, Foundation for strong European Regions, Austria

Vanesa Lux, Foster Europe, Foundation for strong European Regions, Austria


Please click the links below to download the presentatioins.

The KEP promotional video is available at https://www.cei.int/KEP


Call for a capacity building programme - Become a change-maker for the European election!


2nd Free Interactive Training Session on CERV, EU Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme