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International Expert Hearing: „Die Zukunft des österreichischen Bundesstaates in Europa“

Thursday, October 14, 2010 (All day)

On 14 Oktober 2010 Foster Europe in cooperation with the Representaion of the EU Commission in Austria the Dr.-Karl-Renner Institut, the Politischen Akademie, and theGrüne Bildungswerkstatt held an international expert hearing on the future of the Austrian Federal State in Europe post the Lisbon Treaty. 

Reflecting an increasingly intense discussion in Austria on federal issues within a framework of tightening public budgets and growing European cooperation Prof. Dr. Charlie Jeffery, University of Edinburgh and Prof. Dr. Gebhard Kirchgässner, University of St.Gallen, gave key note addresses followed by comments and discussions from Austrian politicians and academic experts. 

The key-note addresses as well as the statements and key elements from the discussion will be published 2011.

10. Dezember

Public Round Table and Seminar: Risks and Chances of Decentralisation and Regionalisation in Central-Eastern Europe

30. Juni

1st General Assembly of the Danube Civil Society Forum