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Save the Date: 2nd Participation Day in the EUSDR (October 28, 2015)

Wednesday October 28, 2015, 
Haus der Begegnung, Grüner Hof 7, Ulm, Germany

Dear Actors of the Danube Region,

Please save the date and join the 2nd Participation Day in the EUSDR on 28 October, 2015 in the City Hall , Ulm, Germany. 

The 2nd Participation Day will be held one day before the 4th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (29 -30 October, 2015). It is jointly organized by the Steering Group responsible for the planning, format, content, and the set up consisting of PA10, Stefan Barth (AGAPEDIA), Carmen Stadelhofer (Institute ILEU e.V.) and Stefan August Lütgenau (DCSF).

Results of the 2nd Participation Day will be reported to the 4th Annual Forum.

Please save the date and join the 2nd Participation Day in October, 2015 in Ulm Germany! For detailed program, technical information and registration please follow: 

We look forward to meeting you in Ulm.

Sincerely yours,

Stefan August Lütgenau


Participation Day - Save the Date 2015.pdf


Registration for the Event